High school could be the last four years of school unless you want to go to college, but high school is also the most fun school you’ll have. There are very important dances, sports, and a bunch of fun after-school clubs.
Grades are one of the most important priorities in high school. Some parents want their kids to have A’s and B’s, while other parents couldn’t care less.
If you want high school to be relatively easy, pay attention in class and know what is going on. Otherwise, trying to cram it in at the last minute won’t do anything because then the test is the next day and you are forgetting everything.
If you stay on top of your classes and make sure you have decent grades, then trying to make it will be so much easier. Getting the good grades right away will be so much easier than having to retake tests. Doing assignments is very important. Even if they are still just a formative, they still help out even in the slightest ways.
I’ve learned from my high school life that it is important to turn assignments in on time and study for tests. You don’t want to have to use the final grade calculator to know what you need to make sure you pass like I did.
I had a couple close calls where it could’ve affected if I graduated or not. You do not want to have to work harder senior year.
Senior year is the year to kind of relax and not worry about classes as much because you don’t have that many hard classes unlike your other years.
In conclusion, make sure you pay attention in class and that all assignments are turned in on time and done correctly.